Saturday, November 23, 2013

Varna Movie Review

Movie: Varna
Cast : Anushka , Aarya
Director : Selva Raghavan
Producer: PVP Cinema
Music : Haris jayraj
Languages: Telugu,Tamil
Release Date : November 22,2013
Movie Rating :1/5
Verdict : Better not to see the movie !!

Selvaraghavan Alias Sri Raghava has come up with a new flick by name ‘Varna’ starring Anushka &Arya.Producer of this film is PVP.,who has earlier produced movie like: Balupu.Lets see how the movie is:
There will be two couples in two different worlds.One couple will be on earth and other in some other world.There will not be much clarity about this world.Both the couples are: Anushka ( 1. Ramya 2. Varna) Arya ( 1. Madhu Balakrishna 2. Mahendra).There will be some love sequences between them.
Unfortunately in mysterious world,Anushka(Varna) kills her self after she forcibly married to Arya by the King.At the same time,in the real world,Anushka(Ramya) dies in a simple accident.
In both the worlds,Arya is a sincere+genuine lover to her.With the sudden death of Ramya,Madhu go mad and tries to search for her memories in everything.
Varna,comes back alive with the help of a local god in the mysterious island.Madhu Balakrishna will also be bought to the mysterious island from earth,by Arya — . He was about to commit suicide.
Then a series of incidents takes place.However,Madhu Balakrishna(Arya) identifies himself and confirms that he came to someother world and his love Ramya is dead.
What happens next? How will he survive this un-expected series of incidents that happen in his life? Where will he go next from that mysterious world? Is the rest of the story.
The director wanted to create a whole new world of LOVE. May be inspired by some Hollywood flicks.He lost the grip very frequently.The love and entertainment quotient are not up to the mark.The movie has too many flaws.It is far from realistic.Usually,a movie should be either nearer to the realistic in nature,or a complete socio fantasy types with full of fables and entertainment with complete graphic work.
This one has a very good graphic work.VFX affects are so nice.The main problem is the story line.There is no proper sync between the two stories that run in parallel.
Audience frequently feel that they were forcibly pushed towards a new diferent world that is hard to believe.
The movie’s backbone is PURE LOVE &LIFE AFTER DEATH for pure Love.The director could not able to do justice for the two stories. He failed to create an intensity that is required for a socio fantasy movie.
Few scenes were extremely good. Especially the fight between Arya and an Animal is shot superbly. The graphic work is awesome there! Few comedy sequences are good between Arya &Anushka.It is all about Arya &Anushka!! The whole story revolves around them and they are the top performers.Even though they tried their best,due to the lack of proper story line,am afraid to say that this movie will fail @ the box office.
Graphics Work
Graphics Work
Graphics Work
Overall,an un-conventional flick from the director and the producer.This will not fit the bill.A routine movie goer will not at all like this movie.If at all you do not have any other work,feeling bored over the week-end,you can give a try.

Jogibrothers Official Review:

Varna Movie Review

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