In the original Zanjeer, it was n't the aging Pranbut his body double that bore the brunt of Amitabh Bachchan's blows. However, in director Apoorva Lakhia's remake , Sanjay Duttwho plays Pathan Sher Khan will fight it out with Ramcharan Teja who reprises the role of Inspector Vijay.
And, it will be a bare-chested fist-to-fist combat between the two. Buzz is while Sanjay has acquired a cool attitude to onscreen stunts, debutant Ramcharan is nervous about the impending fight. Said Ramcharan, "I am sure our chemistry will rock. We shared a terrific rapport when we met in Hyderabad while Sanjay was shooting for the Hindi remake of Samy. I can't wait for our schedule together." A source revealed, "It's been quite a while since Sanju sir took off his shirt on screen. He has been working towards shedding the kilos. Ramcharan too is working on acquiring a more bulky physique to match Dutt's muscular build. " Lakhia plans to shoot the sequence at the end of the long schedule that begins later this month.
By Team SAKV&N ®
Sanjay Dutt, Ramcharan Teja prepare for big fight
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